„…are you here? I’m sleepwalking again? released on DVD

manhimself | 05-04-2006 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Film| Marcel Lacko Film| Netriedené| Spolo?nosť

„Why do we need guns??
Written and directed by Marcel Lacko
Run Time: 1:24:05
Price: € 30.00
Limited edition.
You can queue up and pay high price for this rarity in every good auction house which holds fine-art sales. Alternatively, you can order online at the details listed below. You are covered by a full money back guarantee. E-mail: [...]

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Bejby Winter Tour

spyros | 17-03-2006 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Netriedené| Privát| Spolo?nosť

Yf?a bola pred pôrodom ešte obzrieť “Bratyslavu”. Ja som poobzeral hlavne antikvariaty a hlbokú brázdu v srdci zanechal majiteľ a priestor antikvariátu v Leopoldove. Treba zažiť. Cestou naspäť sme navštívili rôzne bábetká známych. Posledných sme vyžrali v Brezne Upírovcov. Vidieť Upírov byt je svojím spôsobom tiež zážitok.

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ManHimself in the High Tatras IV – Spyros’s wedding

manhimself | 18-02-2006 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Bulvár| Netriedené| Privát| Spolo?nosť

“Had they ever really considered the idea that the guy might just be trying to turn over a new leaf, that he might be going at it a bit strangely just because he had never tried to do such a thing before?”

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