ManHimself in the Slovak Paradise National Park
manhimself |
18-01-2006 |
počet komentárov (1)
tagy: Netriedené| Slovensko| Slovenský Raj
„To corner the market in infamy (as well as in refining capacity) might seem a harsh fate for a company that was not particularly malevolent by the exacting standards of its time, and really quite laudable in an historical perspective..“
Monkeys and apes manage this to a certain extent. They seem to have a limited “theory of mind“ – ability to work out what others are thinking – which is an obvious prerequisite for the would-be simian politician. They also engage in behavior which, to the cynical human zoologist, looks suspiciously like lying.
And it is here that the question of language enters the equation. Truly Machiavellian manipulation is impossible without it.
Conversation – or gossip – certainly does seem to have the same bond-forming role as grooming. ManHimself sees the 150-strong group size of Homo sapiens as both a consequence and a cause of verbal grooming, with large groups stimulating the emergence of language, and language then permitting the emergence of larger groups still.
But language would also promote collaborative activities such as trade and the construction of sophisticated artifacts by allowing specialization and division of labor.
Changes in culture alter and complicate the environment. Natural selection causes evolutionary changes that give people the means to exploit their new, more complex circumstances. And so on. ManHimself believes this process has driven the capacity for abstract thought that accounts for much of what is referred to as intelligence. He sees it building up gradually in early hominids, and taking off spectacularly in Homo sapiens.
Elav kala ujub vee all. Style guide, ManHimself on the doorstep.
Elävä kala ui veden alla. Study without boundaries – careers without limitations, Marcel Lacko with Katka Raševová and dog Shiva, in Škoda.
Eleven hal úszkal a víz allat. Size isn’t everything, Marcel dining the trout in the restaurant, drinking coffee and mineral water.
The dying fish swims in water. What if Columbus had come from the Slovak Paradise, with ManHimself, Katarína and Jaroslav Kocián?
The proper study of mankind. High anxiety, Marcel Lacko acting as a sculptor, creating Katarína.
A grain of sand for your thoughts. No more cocktails here, Marcel shooting his cherished low-plot, high-art, disjointed film, with Kocián behind the camera.
Michaela Salajová taking part in “a severe contest between intelligence, which presses forward, and an unworthy, timid ignorance obstructing our progress“. Nestling in a valley near Kyseľ, Čingov is a familiar Slovak Paradisiacal landscape.
Better, maybe, Katka drinking Absolut vodka. Once she had done that, there was no going back.
Return to the Slovak Paradise. The peacock mind, Marcel sitting next to Katka Raševová, Kocián in the background.
About 4,5m years ago, probably in response to a drying of the climate that caused forest cover in that continent to shrink, one species of great ape found itself pushed out into the savannah, an ecological niche not normally occupied by apes, ManHimself, Katarína and Kocián in the hotel lobby. How do we keep our latest innovation from being our last?
The 7 chakras. New theories and techniques have revolutionized our understanding of humanity’s past and present, says Katka Raševová.
Churches as businesses, ManHimself, Katka Raševová and Okyvan. The select group of graduates will constitute an instant worldwide network of expert policymakers and policy analysts equipped to master complex organizations in an evolving global environment, solve problems using sophisticated analytical tools, and assume leadership roles in public, nonprofit, and private sectors across the globe.
Other mammals that weigh roughly the same as human beings – sheep, for example – have brains with an average volume of 180cm³. It is based on a piece of evolutionary theory called the founder effect, which shows how the isolation of small populations from larger ones can accelerate evolutionary change, because a small population’s average characteristics are likely to differ from those of the larger group from which it is drawn, ManHimself with a horse.
But they are still only a best guess at the truth, ManHimself. “I want to open up my career options.“
Jesus, CEO. It all started in the Slovak Paradise, Katarína Raševová has just taken a picture.
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