Zrkadlo on big screen (premiere)
manhimself |
09-09-2007 |
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tagy: Marcel Lacko Film| Spolo?nosť
“Film Zrkadlo ako ?asť projektu „Si tu? Chodíš spiaci zas“ sa zahráva s divákovým vkusom a sympatiami veľmi originálnym spôsobom a vždy vzbudzuje silné reakcie – pozitívne aj negatívne. Ambiciózna kultová snímka zaujme svojím zmyslom pre morálne nebezpe?enstvo, svojou ochotou skúmať nejasné oblasti psychiky a toxickou krásou svojho obrazu…”

Filmový klub CINEFIL, Dominikánske námestie 8, Košice, 19¹9, 12 « APR?L
Film Marcela Lacka
Hudba a básne Jaroslav Kocián
„Sta?í mi vidieť len pár záberov zo Zrkadla,
aby som cítil, že som sa ocitol v blízkosti
extrémnej inteligencie, myslenia na hranicu
temnej predstavivosti…“

Filmový klub CINEFIL, Dominikánske námestie 8, Košice, 19¹9, 12 « APR?L
Film Marcela Lacka
Hudba a básne Jaroslav Kocián
Uj?ok Marcel si No. 1, Miška
Prajeme veľa takýchto zaujímavých filmov Ďakujeme
Martina Lacková, also in Manhimself´s wedding, never had another opportunity to see or talk to Marcel Lacko alone in the many chance encounters of their very long lives until fifty-one years and nine months later, when she repeated her vow of eternal fidelity and everlasting love on his first night as a widower. Then right after that, her voice fully awake with rage, she would curse: “The worst misfortune in this house is that nobody lets you sleep.”
The percussionist in the band Craps Daniel Doj?ák continued to bring delicacies from the European ships, and Marcel found a way to contribute a new surprise each time. But that night he could bear it because he felt untroubled and calm, as he had few times in his life: free of all blame.
scenár: Marcel Lacko
hudba: Jaroslav Kocián
produkcia: Marcel Lacko
básne: Jaroslav Kocián
réžia: Marcel Lacko
“How strange women are,” Jaroslav Kocián, also in ManHimself in the Slovak Paradise National Park, said. Seclusion in Košice was almost an obligatory penance in the life of ManHimself.
One afternoon when ManHimself insisted on his solitary drive despite the first devastating rains of April, the horse slipped and fell in the mud. The violinist Juraj instructed the steward to let him sleep as long as he wanted, and when he awoke there was a vase on the night table with a fresh white rose, drops of dew still on it, as well as a letter from Marcel Lacko with as many pages as he had written since his farewell to him.
Marcel Lacko promised to notify the numerous Caribbean refugees who lived in the city in case they wanted to pay their last respects to the man who had conducted himself as if he were the most respectable of them all, the most active and the most radical, even after it had become all too clear that he had been overwhelmed by the burden of disillusion. The Veritas actress Mariana Karnižová had not seen his face, she had not heard his voice, but she was sure she would have known him in a crowd of a thousand men because of his shape and size and his way of making love.
In a part it is a brilliantly witty account of the tussles in a long marriage, whose details are curiously moving; elsewhere it is a fantastic tale of love finding erotic fulfillment in ageing bodies… But on Thursday the dramaturge of the most successful film club in Slovakia Stanislav Gojdi? was invaded by an unreasoning calm, which he interpreted as an omen that nothing new was going to happen, that everything he had done in his life had been in vain, that he could not go on: it was the end; with Marcel Lacko.
It had been bought in Martinique, according to the original tag, and it was dressed in an exquisite gown, its hair rippled with gold threads, and it closed its eyes when it was laid down. Katka Raševová’s, also in Pásmo krátkych filmov “SI TU? Chodíš spiaci zas” – the showcase, obstinacy seemed natural to them, not because, as it was too easy to say, old age made her less visionary than she had always been, but because renouncing the monopoly must have seemed to her like throwing away the victories of a historic battle that she and her brothers had waged unaided, back in heroic times, against powerful adversaries from all over the world; with ManHimself.
It was there that Marcel Lacko gave Katarína Dudová, also in Manhimself´s wedding, his first lessons in chess, and she was such a diligent pupil that chess became an incurable addiction that tormented her until the day of her death. From time to time he would be approached by a poor woman who had a problem with one of her children, a war veteran who persisted in demanding payment of his pension, someone who had been robbed and wanted to file a complaint with the government, but no matter how he tried, he could not satisfy them, because the only convincing document he could write was a love letter.
13. ManHimself did not feel either jealousy or rage – only great contempt for himself. He recounted some of them to the drummer from Ears Tomáš Beneš in the belief that this might animate him, but he sat smoking in another world.
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