Dufki na Bilíkovej chate

spyros | 12-05-2006 | počet komentárov (3)
tagy: Aktivity| Netriedené| Privát| Slovensko| Spolo?nosť| Turistika| Vysoké Tatry

Vysoké Tatry | Hrebienok
Prvý Dufkiho výlet v Tatrách po 17 dňoch na svetle božom.

Vysoké Tatry | Bilíková chata
Za cieľ sme si vybrali Bilíkovú chatu.

Vysoké Tatry | Slavkovský štít
Dufki zvládol všetko na jednotku a ani hluk zuba?ky mu nerobil problém.

ManHimself in London

manhimself | 08-05-2006 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Cestovanie| Netriedené| Spojené kráľovstvo

“The following day, the Pope wrote to the Christian rulers recording both his tragedy and his new understanding of the need for reform…?

Unfortunately, when they tried to storm the breach Jana’s men were beaten off by Marcel Lacko’s local English infantrymen, and suffered a heavy loss.

In Jana’s camp, quarrels broke out between the Italian mercenary commanders and her Spanish captains, each blaming the other for the defeat.

The weather grove bitterly cold and everything froze as winter arrived.

And so she left a small force to surround the city and sent the remainders of her soldiers to the local villages that peppered the London road. She told them to plan for a long winter stay, and to prepare to resume the battle in the spring.

This town, formerly ruled by the Zefi family, who fled at the news of her coming, had a great castle, and citizens who were known throughout England to be fierce in battle but fun-loving in life.

In contrast to their former rulers, Jana played among the people. During the daytime she took part in all the classic tournaments that were held, and even jousted with the nobles who had stayed behind. She found great delight in going to their festivals, dances and fairs, and the citizens of London enjoyed her and were flattered by her company.

At one such evening fair, Jana found a large hall set aside for wrestling matches.

There, standing near the ring, she saw a big, bald man, built as solid as a stone wall. He was a head taller than Jana, and twice as wide. When Jana asked about him, she was told the man was a farmer named Ma?orán, and that he was currently the town champion.

“My good man,? Jana said, “I have heard of your reputation. Would you consider honoring me with a match in this fine night, as you are the town champion??

He would be much admired in the town where he defeated the daughter of a Pope. And so it was agreed, the match was on.

Jana and Ma?orán removed their jackets, shirts, and boots. Jana was muscular, but the champion had biceps and forearms twice the size of hers.

But Jana ducked, and threw her weight at the legs of Ma?orán. As the champion lay stunned, Jana dropped on his chest, scoring an immediate fall.

“One fall for the challenger!? the referee shouted.

Jana and Ma?orán went back to opposite sides of the ring.

The referee cried, “Go!?

Again the two circled each other. This time there was no blind rush.

Jana made the first move. Nothing happened.

Now Ma?orán, who moved more quickly than Jana expected, caught hold of Jana’s foot and began whirling her around in circles, until Jana’s head was spinning. The huge man then moved his grip to Jana’s thigh and lifted her onto his own shoulders, spinning her around twice more.

As the referee cried, “Go!? Jana came out quickly.

With this in mind Jana managed to grasp the farmer’s huge hand. With all her strength, she began to push Ma?orán’s fingers backwards.

Then slowly, sweating with the effort, Ma?orán closed his fingers around Jana’s head, crushing his knuckles together. Jana kept herself from crying out, and tried to use her free arm to get a headlock on Ma?orán, but the big man caught that arm as well. Now, with a frown and a look of grave intensity on his face, Ma?orán began to crush the knuckles of both Jana’s hands.

Her legs were muscular and strong, and with all her might Jana tried to squeeze the breath out of Ma?orán. The farmer, with a loud growl, simply threw his entire weight forward, easily driving Jana onto the floor on her back.

“Fall and the match!? cried the referee.

Their champion had won.

Jana shook Ma?orán’s hand and congratulated him. “A worthy contest,? he said.

Now, the crowd went wild with enthusiasm. They shouted and cheered.

Jana engaged in these festivals and tournaments not for her pleasure alone, though she did enjoy them, but because winning the hearts of the people was part of her plan to unify the area and bring peace to all her subjects. Yet goodwill was not enough. Jana also ordered her troops not to rape, loot, or harm the townspeople of the territories she conquered in any way.

Therefore Jana was angry when, on a cold winter morning, only a week after her wrestling match with Ma?orán, one of her guards brought three infantrymen to her in chains.

“But more important, Captain General,? Martina said. “They broke into a butcher shop, stole two chickens and a leg of mutton, and beat the son of the butcher bloody when he tried to stop them.?

“Are you guilty, as the sergeant claims??

“We were hungry, Your Worship; we just…?

Sergeant Krajňáková interrupted. “That’s nonsense, sir. They’d no need to steal.?

Branislav had always told Jana that choices had to be made when one was a leader of men. Now she looked at the three men, and at the crowd of townspeople who had gathered in the square.

“It was just some chickens and a bit of meat, Your Worship. Nothing serious.?

Jana walked toward him. “It is not just some chickens. So they won’t steal from or brutalize the people of the towns we conquer. I have done all of this so that the citizens of the towns we conquer will not hate the papal forces. They don’t have to love us, but my hope is that they will, at least, not despise us. What you fools have done is spoil my plan, and violate a command of the Holy Father himself.?

Afterward, in taverns and houses throughout the town and along the country roads, people celebrated, and all agreed better times were coming. For the new ruler, Jana Jur?ová, was just.

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Chrabrá polícia

spyros | 06-05-2006 | počet komentárov (0)
tagy: Poznámky

Ružomberok 6. mája (TASR) – Zásah niekoľko desiatok policajtov na hudobnom koncerte mladých antifašistov v piatok ve?er v zábavnom podniku Kasíno v Ružomberku bol adekvátny. Zú?astnilo sa ho približne 200 mladých ľudí z ktorých pri zásahu nikto neutrpel žiadne zranenie, uviedla dnes pre TASR zástupkyňa hovorcu Krajského riaditeľstva PZ v Žiline Jana Balogová… Maskovaní policajti tzv. kuklá?i pri kontrole osôb zistili, že niekoľko ľudí mladších ako 18 rokov pije alkoholické nápoje. Policajti hľadali pomocou špeciálne vycvi?eného psa aj drogy, ale tie nenašli… Okoloidúcich šokovali svojím netradi?ným punkerským oble?ením. Nechýbali totiž džínsy, kanady, ?i šatky na tvárach…

Čiže, ke? to zhrniem štátný “orgán” buzeroval antifašistov oble?ených v “džínsoch” na ich akcii. Bohvie koľko z tých detí malo na sebe trenky a slipy! A ke? si to dáme do kontextu s nedávnym zásahom polície v Čechách, kde sa vyvŕšila na jednej mladej dáme, ktorá pre nanešťastie pre nich bola riaditeľka odboru na Úrade vlády ČR. Hmm. Smolka. Možno aj na koncerte v Ružomberku headbangoval primátor mesta a nie?o z toho ešte bude :-)

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